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#HerStory | To My Little Angel

Literary Art by: Albert Dylan D. David

To My Little Angel

By: The Misanthrope

To My Little Angel,

Happiness has never felt so instant than when I first heard your heartbeat today. Oh, my dear daughter, as I hear your rhythm sync with mine, I assure you that you will be born to a loving mother. I will not permit that you tread in harm’s way, I will keep you safe. For the world is cruel, but mommy will always be by your side.

I implore you to study well so that you will be able to support your own. You will not take anything less than what you deserve, my darling, for you are a woman—revered and capable, never a damsel in distress. You will be my strong and discerning princess, pretty and far from delicate.

You will stand on your own two feet, my darling. Let no man mistreat you; be wary! The world is full of them. So never be too trusting! Or you might end up with a liar like daddy, too. But worry not, darling. I will fill in the gaps that your father has left. My love will not come short of making you feel special.

Oh, my little angel, how excited I am to meet you! You will light the world and my eyes with unimaginable euphoria. You will be the spitting image of a long-forgotten reverie finally coming into fruition. I am certain that your cheeky smile will bring delight to anyone’s day. 

Never let anyone extinguish your light, but it’s okay if it dims at times. The dark will never be truly absent, but mommy will make sure to bring shine and sparkles to your corner always. I am sorry that I am incapable of sheltering you from the harms of the world, my darling. The world is cruel to our kind. From the color of your skin, the demeanor of your walk, the clothes you pick, and how you talk. Many will pick on what is innate to you. But never let them tell you what to do. You will be beautiful, I’m certain. You will blossom into a powerful woman for I will raise you. Worry not, my little girl. 

And while I wait for your arrival in the coming months, mommy will do everything in her power to make the world you’ll be born in a little bit better. I will fight for you—your rights, your choices, your status, you name it! Maybe someday, when you’re older, you will still be a powerful, capable girl. Claiming all that is rightfully yours, blossoming to reach your true potential. You will be strong. But it won’t be necessary. 

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