Article by: Therese Anne B Cruz

Photo by: Luis Iñigo A. Lava
Celebrating the various student organizations of Mapúa University and their achievements in the previous year, the Council of Organizations (COO) hosted the Organizations’ Night of Excellence with the theme, “Crowning the Stalwarts of Golden Excellence,” at the Patio de Victoria, Intramuros last September 28.
With a night dedicated to recognizing outstanding organizations, Head of Production for ONE and outgoing Public Relations Officer (PRO) – SHS JR Arante stated that the event is a celebration of dedication, passion, and time that student leaders pour into their respective organizations, “It's a night of recognition for all the VERY early mornings, late-night meetings, Divisoria trips— and the pure blood, sweat, and tears that go into building something meaningful within the university […] ONE becomes a celebration of everything that makes student leadership so special—the passion, the grit, and the unbreakable spirit that keeps the Mapúan community thriving.”
As for Vice President for Planning, Irish Brun believes that ONE “honors the student organizations who have worked their way to foster the holistic development of students that is not only bounded by academics [...] such celebration boosts the morale of the student organizations as it is a testament to their dedication in also serving the student populace.”
Throughout the event, the awards were presented by Assistant Vice President and Head of Office of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations (OSAAR) Mr. Oliver Ryan B. Custodio, outgoing COO President Hannah Daenielle Tan, outgoing Vice President for Planning Irish Danielle Brun, and outgoing Vice President for Operations Ralph Jared Lam.
The first category of presentations is dedicated to the Top 10 Performing Organization for the Intramuros Campus, with Honor Society of Mapúa (HSM) awarded as the top performing organization. Meanwhile, the Information Systems Next Gen placed first for the Makati Campus. As for the general best organization per cluster, HSM and Mapúa Tabletop Gamers took home the awards for both campuses. The event then continued with group and individual awards bestowed upon organizations and individuals who displayed outstanding performance during their tenure.
From serving the Mapúan community to celebrating the fruit of their labor, Head of Production Design for ONE and outgoing COO Creatives Head, Kathleen Floreza, learned that, “leading a team is more than just about delegating tasks; it is all about leaving a valuable influence and legacy at that moment, before that moment, and in the future.”
As new officers are set to take over for this year’s student organizations and councils, Hannah Tan imparts a message to the current and aspiring student leaders, “…Remember to always stick to your principles and be firm in your decisions. Remember that you are here to serve, not for the position you gained and not for the pride and honor. Humility and dedication comes before excellence.”
Here is the list of awardees:
Top 10 Organizations – Intramuros
1. Honor Society of Mapúa (HSM)
2. Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines - Mapúa University - Student Chapter
3. Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers - Mapúa University Student Chapter (PICE-MUSC)
4. Association of Geologists and Geological Engineers of Mapúa
5. Junior Philippine Computer Society - Mapủa University
6. SHS - Samahan ng Filipino
7. Physics Society of Mapúa
Every Nation Campus - Mapúa
SHS - The English Club
American Society of Heating Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers - Mapúa University Student Branch
8. Kristiyanong Kabataan Para sa Bayan Mapúa
9. SHS - The Science Club
Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineers - Mapúa University Student Chapter
10. Eastern Asia Society of Transportation Studies –Transportation Science Society of the Philippines-Mapúa
Top 10 Organizations – Makati
1. Information Systems Next Gen
2. SHS - Samahan ng Filipino
3. WebMasters Guild of Mapúa
4. Mapúa AdWay
Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants - Mapúa University
Mapúa Tabletop Gamers
SHS - Math Club
SHS - The Science Club
5. SHS - The English Club
6. Mapúa Film
7. SHS - STEM Society
8. Mapúa Junior Marketing Association
9. SHS - Social Sciences Circle
10. SHS - Arts and Design Society
Illuminata Mapúa
Best Organizations per Cluster
General – Intramuros: Honor Society of Mapúa
General – Makati: Mapúa Tabletop Gamers
ARIDBE: The Graphics Club
CBMES: Chemistry Society of Mapúa
CEGE: Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers – Mapúa University Student Chapter
ETYSB: Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants – Mapúa University
EECE: Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Phlippines – Mapúa University Student Chapter
IE-EMG-SEM: Operations Research Society of the Philippines – Mapúa University Student Chapter
MMEE: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers – Mapúa University Student Branch
SHS – Intramuros: SHS – Samahan ng Filipino
SHS – Makati: SHS – Samahan ng Filipino
SMS: Mapúa AdWay
SOHS: Mapúa Psychological Society
SOIT: Information Systems Next Gen
Group Special Awards
Outstanding Religious Organization: Every Nation Campus Mapúa
OSAAR Choice Award: Association of Geologists and Geological Engineers of Mapúa
Social Orientation and Community Involvement Program Service Awardee: Honor Society of Mapúa
Most Congenial Organization - Intramuros: American Concrete Institute Philippines - Mapúa Student Chapter
Most Congenial Organization - Makati: Mapúa DanceCom
Most Improved Organization: Mapúa SHS – ICTC
Best Organization Event of the Year: 13th Don Tomas Mapúa National Civil Engineering Quiz Show 2024, Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers Mapúa University Student Chapter
Individual Awards
Most Active Organization President – Intramuros: Charles Brent B. Santos (HSM)
Most Active Organization President – Makati: Mark Miguel D. Chan, WebMasters Guild of Mapúa
Most Active Organization President – Intramuros: Lleyton Andrie B. Codoy, UAPSA Mapúa Chapter
Most Active Organization President – Makati: Cassandra Jazmine T. Navarro, SHS - Science Club