By: The Millwright

Graphics by: Cassius Klai C. Francisco
Photo by: Blaise Paulhene O. Rellata
This is not a eulogy — this is a paean.
I have faced horrors incessantly,
but there is nothing for me to mourn.
I am a glory outliving eons.
I will never be yours to scorn.
The Fates have tried to shackle me;
tried to chain me in their enclave.
But I am a being beyond their grasp—
Hate itself chases after me. It tries
but fails, incessantly, to bury me in a grave.
Because I will outlive even Death.
Mortality won't be the end of me.
The triumphs are all mine to conquer.
For all the failures I've had to be,
will lead me to yet another victory.
Dear fearmonger,
I tell you: you can always try.
But my existence is a glory beyond you;
you will never be the end of me.
These colors will shine beyond you
for all of the cosmos to see.