By: Hoshi

Graphics by: Ma. Alyssa Therese S. Manalang
Photo by: Ma. Chinie M. Sta. Juana
I had a thought once.
It was pure, with no hint of malice.
Branded as a dunce
but called as beautiful as the Aurora Borealis.
It was a fleeting thought,
so to dive deep was not a must.
Yet, as time passed by,
A dive into these thoughts became just.
Consumed by feeling,
I drowned, never-ending.
Fought as I fell into the abyss,
Yet yearned for the feeling of bliss.
Succumbed to the thoughts,
I let myself be caught.
Alas, it was all clear,
the voices that whispered in my head.
I took a deep breath as I reached the shore.
The sun that touched my skin made me sure.
Now the problems I had were gone,
and the tranquility felt was beyond.